A Rainbow For Nursery

I was in nursery for two weeks, substituting for a friend. I brought with me a finger play from the friend magazine that they all loved. It was in the May 1997 issue of the Friend Magazine, pages 28-29. Here is the Link. Noah’s Ark Finger 

Being Prepared for Marriage

I was getting my degree from BYU and visiting my family for the summer, when I ran into a good friend at a church dance. She looked great as always and we began talking. In the two years that I was attending BYU, she had received 

She Continues her Education

I loved the August visiting teaching message, about life long learning. We are in a time where information is readily available. When our children have a question we don’t need to look far for the answers. It is a wonderful time to live. Even still 

The Best Financial Advice

The best financial advice I ever received, came too late. I was pregnant with my first child and was getting ready to quit my job and become a stay at home mother and begin really working hard. He told me that his son and daughter in law 

She Loves to Entertain

Five parents showed up to my Cub Scout’s Parent night! I was so excited. Derek and I brought a movie  and the kids just in case,  (to watch on the projector in the cultural hall,) because we thought no one would show up. Cub Scouts 

She tries hard to be like Molly

So there I was sitting in my therapists office (of course I need a therapist have you read my other entries?!!) and she asked me a question, she said, “Who do you admire? Who would you most like to be?” I said, “Molly Mormon of 

She Loves Meat and Potatoes

So, I got some phone calls today, from friends in Arizona and Utah about the lesson on the Word of Wisdom in Sunday School yesterday. I wasn’t actually at church yesterday so I couldn’t say for sure but according to my friend’s interpretation of the lesson, we don’t have to worry 

She Has a Green Thumb

I could go on about the bugs in my square foot garden or the dissappointment I feel when my plants keep dying, or how much I hate my black thumb. I can barely keep a house plant alive! But I only have one word for 

She Knows How to “Clean it Up”

So I substitute taught four of the most adorable Sunbeams in the world today. During closing exercises they were a little roudy. Perhaps they were a little hyped up on bananas, peaches and corn chips. (The lesson was on smell and taste.) I was a little 

Molly is Going to The Celestial Kingdom

I love section 76 of the D&C. It is kind of like a job description. If you do this you get paid this, if you do that you get paid that. It is nice to review it every now and again just to see where