I Declare!

I am forgiving I do not read too much into things people do or say I accept people for who they are, where they are, and for the good things they bring to the table I am a good friend I am merciful I serve 

Gospel Academic Standards

I loved all the talks about being a teacher to our children this last general conference and began thinking about what I want my children to know about the gospel. When I first began teaching them I was all over the board, from following the 

2009 Molly Awards

Envelope Please… On Wednesday November 20th 1991 in USA Today, there was an article about Disney’s Belle. The Article was titled “Disney’s new Beauty isn’t just a Pretty Face.” Karen S. Peterson writes, “Move over Cinderella, so cheerfully doing floors and windows for a trio 

Primary Articles of Faith Incentive Programs

It’s that time of year when every primary is figuring out new ways to help the children memorize the Articles of Faith. It is a Faith in God requirement and it truly helps in the development of young testimonies. Definitely a worthy goal. Two of 

The Candy Cane Miracle by Terrie Lynn Bittner

One Christmas our finances were very tight, and I was struggling. I love Christmas, and having so little money to spend on the holiday was putting me into a bad mood. I gave myself the usual lectures about how Christmas isn’t about money or shopping, but it 

Beating the “I love you ifs”

 I’ll love you if you go on a mission…I’ll love you if you you are beautiful..I’ll love you if you are thin, educated, easily manipulated, if you do it my way, if you agree with me, if you sing in the ward choir,  and on and 

She Always Has A Plan

Just tell me what to do step by step. For every problem there is a solution. We talk, complain, and worry and that fulfills our need for serotonin and all but at some point a girl has just got to get off her butt and do something 


Perfection by Heather  Ohern Hemsley It’s the continuous Struggle in life To Succeed, And the ever-present Ability to Fail, That makes The luster of Our own chunk of coal Closer To that of a diamond.

Cardio Clean

The hard thing about having projects is something has to give and for me it is usually housework. I woke up this morning and realized, “This has got to stop before it gets completely out of control!” Here’s the problem, I have Family Home Evening 

Workout? Now? How?

At BYU one of the core classes you have to take is Health and Nutrition. A major part of your grade is to maintain an exercise plan, three to four times a week. It was the toughest thing I ever had to do. I hate to run,