Cardio Clean
The hard thing about having projects is something has to give and for me it is usually housework. I woke up this morning and realized, “This has got to stop before it gets completely out of control!” Here’s the problem, I have Family Home Evening Group (A bunch of ladies get together and swap family home evening plans) in a few hours and I haven’t made my copies or laminated them yet. So here’s my solution. It is time for what I call cardio clean. I’m going to clean house, burn calories and have it done in time to make a perfect FHE kit. Here’s how I do it:
1. I put some tennis shoes on and an apron.
2. I gather all my cleaning supplies, vacuum, mop, rags, duster etc.
3. I turn on some up-beat music and stretch for a few minutes.
4. When I pick something up off the floor I do lunges and squats.
5. I put things away with a fast walk to the other room to get a good heart rate going.
6. My friend suggested dancing while I do the dishes. I”m not a big fan of dishes so maybe this will help.
7. I vigorously exaggerate every move I do, especially when vacuuming, mopping and scrubbing, really stretching my arms and leg muscles.
8. I stack instead of organize. Organizing takes thought and time but stacking can be done quickly and you can get back to organizing at the end of the day, when you can slow down a little.
9. I usually start with the Fly Lady Morning Routine:
a. Make Bed
b. Get Dressed to shoes (I add a pretty apron)
c. Tidy the Bathroom
d. Put a load of laundry in
d. Unload the dishwasher, or do the dishes (in my case today)
Then I count my housecleaning as exercise points on Weight Watchers and treat myself to a healthy snack or drink.