The Ten Hour Project That Saved Dinner

Wow, this 10 hour project is going to be a lot longer than ten hours but definitely worth it. Today we discussed the importance of having freezer meals tucked away in the freezer for important events like your in-laws showing up unannounced around dinner time 

Easy Bake Lessons…

I’ve decided there  is no such thing. So, when I was little I wanted an Easy-bake Oven so badly. One birthday, I was sure I was going to get it. But instead, my Mom and Dad sat me down and told me that they went 

Barley Water

According to numerous accounts on the web, barley water, (made from boiled barley, lemon and honey) is good for just about anything. My baby has been in and out of the doctors for congestion ear infections, hives and he has been extremely cranky because he is cutting 

Does Bakerella Have Kids?

I was at my sister in laws for her daughter’s baptism. And as we were baking cupcakes for the event at 11:00 pm (because that is when the children had finally gone to bed and we had the kitchen to ourselves) we began the discussion 

Water Wars

Helping my children drink more water during the summer has been my challenge lately. They just don’t seem to like the taste as much as soda, juice or just about anything else. So here are some recipes that help me win the water war 1. 

Moving: the Continuing Saga

How much junk does a person need anyway? Many people get by with just the bare necessities but what are the bare necessities? I mean can I really live without my crimping iron or my box of yarn or less then 25 origami books? And 

Confession: Moving Day

So, we are moving into our house, renovations are almost done, and baby is teething. Normally, there are labels on my boxes, and everything is organized and in it’s place before I even begin. Not this time. I am behind on de-cluttering so I’m packing