Confession: Family Science Majors

Ok, so when I went to BYU, most of the girls in the freshman dorm, “Heritage Halls”, were Family Science Majors. I underestimated the value of learning all you could about family, until I had a family of my own. Family life, doing it right IS 

Confession: Oh Christmas Tree!

People say that you should feel the Christmas Spirit all the year through but if you still have your Christmas lights up two weeks after Christmas, you can be fined by your home owners association. My name is Bianca, it is January 12th and my 

Confession: Slavedriver

Thanksgiving Chicken My name is Bianca and I made my daughter cook Thanksgiving Dinner. We discussed how difficult I found it to teach my daughter how to cook. Not because she isn’t good at everything she does but more because I am not as patient as 

Confession: I Missed a Whole Year!

So, not that I’ve never been exceptional at journaling..although, I do think about it often enough, like at the end of the day, after I’ve completed my bedtime routine and slipped into the warm covers. The truth is if my husband had a recorder on 

Confession: My Charity Faileth

So I did my visiting teaching yesterday (on the last day of the month) and while preparing these lovely little bottles of Vinegar with the nice story, quote and recipe attached, (find instructions here)I realized that I’m not so good all the time with the 

Confession: Gospel Geek

So I sat way in the back of the chapel (just in front of the stage)  last week because we didn’t reach our 3rd row in time. I took a look around and realized that this is where all the cool people sit. It was 

Confession: Peddling Patience?

Well, do you know where I could get some? My name is Bianca and at exactly 1:37 pm on October 9, 2010, I ran completely out of patience, exactly 24 hours before I was asked to give a talk on it… It has been a 

Confession: Change of Heart

Ten years ago, I prayed that Heavenly Father would change my husband. I mean, I didn’t want a different one. I married the one I wanted but life got crazy and  things that were important before had been pushed aside in the rush. My name 

Confession:Update on Daniel’s Diet

My name is Bianca, I’ve been on Daniel’s Diet for seven days and  while I can’t see any improvement in my looks…I mean I haven’t turned into Jennifer Aniston or anything, I have noticed that my husband has gotten significantly better looking. I can’t tell 

Confession Wednesday: Can It!!

My name is Bianca, I am a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I don’t can. I don’t can peaches, I don’t can pears, I don’t can apples, tomatoes, green beans, or pickles. I don’t even make jam. In