What’s it Like? No Judgement.

Gaby Writes:

Last time I went to young women’s there was this one girl who was drawing, and there was an other girl who was crocheting during the Sunday lessons! And the leaders were totally fine with it! And it made me feel so relaxed and comfortable because there was no judgment, only love!

One of the things that impressed me most, was how reverent everyone was and how much participation there was in the lesson. I have A hard time focusing, But I was also able to listen!

And it was also funny, because our lesson was on judgment and how Christ came not to condemn, but to love and save. The bible chapter we were reading was the one about how this girl was caught in adultery, and the men brought her to Jesus, and asked, shouldn’t we stone her? And Jesus said, If ye have not sinned then ye shall be the first to through a stone. And what I loved was how we were also talking about how she probably felt in that moment, and how scared she probably was. And after that we talked about how sometimes we get so caught up in anger and we yell, and sometimes say hurtful things, and how Satan doesn’t help with that, and how he temps us, and ways he does that. And how Christ is the opposite. Then we were all able to share some of the hard things that we were going through mentally and physically. And I felt so happy and good after! And I loved telling my Mom about it during the drive home. 


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