Chapter 33: Missionary Work
Thought: Mormonad, Fishing Licence, New Era, March 2003. “And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.Matthew 4:19”
Lesson: “Chapter 33: Missionary Work,” Gospel Principles, (2009)
Story: Calling the Fishermen GAK Picture and Story and/or Judy Edwards, “Sharing Time: Missionaries Publish Peace,” Friend, Nov 1994, 44 (Finger Puppet Story)
Activity: Fish for ways to be a good missionary. I found this idea on, Fun At Home she writes:
“…I found some cute little coloring pages of fish…I printed them off and colored them, and then wrote different things on them like, Start learning the stories in the scriptures, say hello to people, had a chance to invite a friend to primary but didn’t, etc, etc. Then I put paper clips on each fish and get out our little magnetic fishing pole I made. Basically a stick with a string and magnet attached 🙂 The kids will go fishing and then decide if that fish is doing something that will make us fishers of men or not.”
Treat: Swedish Fish, or Blue Jell-o oceans,