Chapter 32: Tithes and Offerings
Thought: Mormonad and Object Lesson
This Object lesson Idea is from Tiffany over at More Family Home Evening Ideas
She Writes:
“Have participants sit on the floor with the
small bowls in front of them. Parcel out 10 kernels to each, pretty much using up one bowl. Then ask each participant if you can have one kernel, thanking each one who is willing to share, but just moving on from those who won’t. Then, fill each bowl of those who shared overflowing with popcorn.
Explain that we receive an abundance of popcorn/ blessings if we give to the Lord what is already his.”
Lesson: Chapter 32: Tithes and Offerings,” Gospel Principles, (2009)
Story: “Tithing,” Friend, Oct 1987, 22
Activity: Tithing Pocket for your scriptures or church bag. There are so many cute tithing boxes in the friend magazine but my children have a difficult time remembering to take their tithing each week. So our solution was to put their tithing in their scripture bags. We have a pocket on our scripture covers that works well. When the children are given their money they put their tithing into their scriptures right away so they have it ready for Sunday. But this tithing pocket, coin purse, looks authentic and would fit nicely into a set of scriptures or a church bag. And they are fun to make. Whoever is in charge of activity can make one themselves first, and pre-fold a couple for the younger children before family home evening, then teach it to the family during activity. Have the family members decorate and personalize their tithing pocket and then put them in a Sunday bag ready for church.
Treat: Carmel Popcorn This treat is given at the beginning of the lesson during the thought/object lesson.