Confession: It’s a Girl!

Years ago, I was the editor for our Ward Newsletter. (Doesn’t that sound professional?) Being a young member, and mother I was very proud of my newsletter and myself for creating such a beautiful piece of editorial genius. I was beginning to think myself a real journalist 

Confession: As Long as You Have a Plan.

Elmo is my son’s  favorite person, the Grouch is his personal hero and Curious George is his best friend. My name is Bianca and I plan my entire day around Sesame Street and other shows on PBS. Even my visiting teachers know that any weekday at 

Confession: Have I done any Good in the World Today?

Yes, I did the dishes, got my toddler dressed, changed his diaper, taught him some math, reading and writing, made dinner and rinsed the dishes without throwing up (bonus points). And while I didn’t contribute to the gross national product, and my house is in complete shambles 

Confession: Humbling Experience

So the whole purpose of Confession Wednesday is to not take myself so seriously and to keep myself humble. But here’s the thing, this pregnancy is doing that for me. I am significantly humbled every time I laugh, cough or throw-up…..which is a lot lately. 

Confession: Sometimes I Just Need a Friend

As most of you know the church magazines are divided into age groups. The Friend is for primary age children. The New Era is for teens and the Ensign is for the rest of us. And while I do enjoy the Ensign for it’s informative 

Confession: Manly Mishap

  The air was filled with the scent of a man…maybe two, when my in-laws came over to check on me the other day. My DH had been gone for his third week in a row. The looks on their faces were filled with suspicion, judgement, and 

Confession: One of the Ten

I’m so glad to be living in the information age. When I have a question about anything, I can consult the Internet. I’ve learned how to do so many silly things, I’ve always wanted to know how to do, from kind people who post videos 

Philmont: Wednesday – Confession

There comes a time in a person’s life when looks and appearances no longer matter. Last night was my 5th night sleeping (if you can call it that) in a tent, there is dust inches thick on my blankets and clothes, (compliments of a very 

Confession: Philmont or Bust

  We have been planning this vacation for months. When my DH was called to the Stake YM presidency, the Stake President said that one of the requirements was attendance at the Philmont Scout Training program for LDS Leaders. I gladly accepted the challenge. Bring 

Confession: I’m Grounded

It seems like just the other day, I could feel the wind through my hair. I soared through my house with all the grace and beauty of an eagle, stopping only to pick up something off the floor. My AM chores were done by early morning.