Philmont: Wednesday – Confession
There comes a time in a person’s life when looks and appearances no longer matter. Last night was my 5th night sleeping (if you can call it that) in a tent, there is dust inches thick on my blankets and clothes, (compliments of a very strong wind), while there are showers they do not seem to help, and the sun came up way too early this morning. In fact the only thing that pushed me out of bed was the increasing temperature in the tent and of course the idea of breakfast. Then it hit me, my daughter needed sunscreen, and my son a hat. I rushed out the tent with little fear of what Ilooked like. My name is Bianca, and I went to flag ceremony at Philmont Training Center, among the General Young Men’s Presidency, their wives, the General Primary 2nd Counselor and over 300 participants clad in fashionable capris or pressed scout uniforms…IN MY PAJAMAS! It couldn’t have been pretty…but I have lost no sleep over it. (There isn’t one full length mirror, and a million other things to lose sleep over.) Truth be told, I would do it again.