What’s In YOUR Magic Church Bag?

I was extremely impressed with a family of boys visiting our ward yesterday. The boys, ages between 3 and 8, were very well behaved and quiet during sacrament. So much so that I wondered if Childeren’s Tylenol was involved. (Sometimes Sacrament can be painful for tiny ones so it could be justified) But I looked over the bench a couple of times and found them quietly looking through the Friend Magazine, or coloring, or looking through a set of children’s scriputres. After church I approached their Mother and commented on how well behaved her children were and asked her what she had in her magic church bag. And she told me some things I hadn’t thought about like, a toy catalog, featuring their favorite toys. Hey now who wouldn’t like that? I love hearing new and innovative ways to make it through Sacrament with dignity. Here are some other ways I found online that might be helpful too.

1. Find tutorials and ideas here at Mormon Chic
2. Here are instructions for a quiet book at The Idea Door
3. Here is another quiet book at Homemade by Jill
4. If you don’t want to make them Here are some you can buy at LDSQuietBooks.com
5. And more ideas by Sugardoodle

Now if I could keep my husband from falling asleep in church I would be set!

4 thoughts on “What’s In YOUR Magic Church Bag?”

  • Mine just go straight for Sports Illustrated. I know it isn’t Church appropriate, but it does keep them quiet!!

  • Even your girls? I’ll have to try that. There’s just something about those football pants…But with my luck the Stake President’s daughter will be sitting right behind me. With a little more luck she would accept me for who I am and the weakness I have for athletes I mean athletics of course. I just read them for the articles.

  • Thank you for being my friend and accepting me with all my faults. That is very Christian of you. You’re the best.

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