Games in the Friend and New Era
Over the years, I have found there to be over 65 board games in the Friend and New Era Magazines. These are especially helpful in a number of ways:
1. They are great for when the Primary or Sunday School Lesson goes long.
2. Family Home Evening
3. The Sunday Activity Box
4. A Fun Way to Teach on a Specific Topic no matter what the organization or age of your students
5. Sharing Time – Copy them onto overhead transparencies and play in groups
6. Seminary
I have compiled a list of these games. If you are lucky your ward or stake building may still have older issues of the Magazine and you can run off a color copy for yourself. Sometimes you can find these magazines at Deseret Industries (DI) or maybe you know someone who has saved their old issues and you can get a copy from them. Sometimes there are copies online at but the images do not print well from there, although you could get an idea of the basic idea and still do play the game. Here is the list I’ve compiled with topics, dates and page numbers. Good Luck. GAMESLIST.PDF