Where to Start?

With my first two, (now teens) I began with the old testament. I took them through the creation with science projects and field trips and it was amazing. So I had originally planned on doing things the same way until last week. We were in church and I pulled out all the mini pictures of Christ I had picked up from Deseret Book and was showing them to my toddler (son) during sacrament. Among them was a picture of Christ with a small boy around my son’s age. He said, “Look, me!.” and I said, “Yes and there is Jesus.” He said, “No Daddy.” And I realized that it must strange for a child his age. While we pray often and we speak often of Jesus and we read the scriptures, it has to be hard for a two year old to understand that He is not a stranger.  Calling him Daddy was the best he could do with the knowledge he as been given so far. He wasn’t far off. Daddy loves him, feeds him, cares for him and teaches him and is the closest person he could relate it to. I just want him to know Christ too and to be able to recognize His great love as well. So the plan has changed. I will be beginning with the New Testament instead. I think it will help my babies better understand why we do the things we do and why Jesus Christ is so important to us. And then when I tell them about the creation they will know and understand the meaning behind it and even be able to relate better to the other scriptures as well. So how do you teach the New Testament to toddlers? I have some ideas…..do you? Please share.

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