Philmont: Thursday – Don’t Let the Sun Go Down

My Beautiful Philmont

As the sun went down on my beautiful Philmont, I wondered why I came…what purpose did I serve? I had been sick most of the time, my toddler was all over the place and I felt like I was more of a burden than a help or asset to the conference, and had made no contribution. It was so hot, I was really too pregnant to enjoy the camping experience, too sick to make friends, and between you and I, it was all I could do not to complain. After all, I had wanted to go, I had been looking forward to it for months, and I am nothing if I’m not supportive to my husband..
Then, as I looked at the beautiful horizon, I realized something I’ve always known deep down inside…It isn’t about me. Where ever we go, whatever we do, it is my husband who will bless the lives of the youth and the community and I will be there, always in his shadow, making it possible.

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