Conference Gathering 2011

"The Family Tent"

Our 2011 Conference Gathering was based off of a the story of King Benjamin in the Book of Mormon and the theme was Gospel Principles based for use with the Gospel Principles FHE binder. With only two activities, this conference gathering is meant for tweens and teens but can be modified for younger children as well. We played gospel principles bingo, and for party favors the participants got mini scrolls to keep conference notes, to remember the event and the things they learned. We made a tent out of fabric scraps we purchased at DI, clothes pins and safety pins. Our table was made of a piece of plywood on a box. We lined the table with place-mats and decorated with plants, and a lamp, to make it look as natural as possible since the people in King Benjamin’s time were outside. For the refreshments, we ate like the people of the times, fruit and nuts, yogurt, cheese etc. It was a wonderful, peaceful event. I will be posting all the details and print-ables during the first week in Sept. so you can throw your own conference gathering. Enjoy! (You can find all posts related to this one under the Conference Gathering Menu tab.)

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