Tag: lds signs of the second coming lesson

Chapter 43: Signs of the Second Coming

Thought: Britney Rule, “Hosanna!”, Friend January 2007 page 7 Lesson: “Chapter 43: Signs of the Second Coming,” Gospel Principles, (2009) Story: The Second Coming, Friend December 2002 or Felt Board Story: Dec. 1999 Jesus Christ will Come Again Activity: Sydney S. Reynolds, Sharing Time: “When He 

Chapter 44: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Thought: Mormonad, “Got Oil?”, New Era May 2001 Lesson: “Chapter 44: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ,” Gospel Principles, (2009) Story: “Chapter 46: The Ten Virgins”, Friend Jan. 2003 Activity: Susan L. Warner, Sharing Time: I Believe that Jesus Will Come Again, Friend Sept. 1995 

Chapter 45: The Millennium

Thought: Articles of Faith 1:10 “10 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth 

Chapter 46: The Final Judgement

Thought: “You are Eternal” Friend, March 1986 Lesson: “Chapter 46: The Final Judgment,” Gospel Principles, (2009) Story: Magnet Board Plan of Salvation Activity Judy Edwards, “Sharing Time: The Plan of Salvation Offers Me Peace”, Friend, March1994, 14 Print this out and lay it on top of 

Chapter 47: Exaltation

Thought: New Era Poster, September 2005 Lesson: “Chapter 47: Exaltation,” Gospel Principles, (2009) Story: The Race Thomas S. Monson, “Come Listen to a Prophet’s Voice: The Race,” Friend, Jun 2004, 2 or Activity: Play the “Ha” game, for instructions click here. The last one to laugh wins the game. So