Get it While the Gettings Good

Getting a new calling can be scary and even a little daunting at first. However, when you are set apart for a new calling, you are given blessings to be able to accomplish that calling and are entitled to inspiration. I have found that so much of the inspiration I receive to be successful in my calling has helped me in my family and community life as well.
Then by the time you get really good at a particular calling, it seems like you are released and have to start all over. I believe that there is a reason for that. The more things you do in the gospel, the more prepared you are for anything. Your callings can help prepare you for the work force or give you insight that will help at your current job. I have found that keeping good notes and files on each of my callings has helped me tremendously. (And the ward historians love me) Another thing I’ve done is keep a calling portfolio. It sounds kind of proud, maybe it is but it has brought me so much comfort after being released and so much courage when starting a new calling. Here’s How:
Find a good portfolio. You can purchase them at your local craft store.
Take a lot of pictures of events, activities or just the day to day projects of the calling.
Glue or tape photos, handouts, lesson ideas, special inspiration, thank you notes, etc in the pages of your portfolio.
When you are down and out, when you feel like you are on the sidelines, between callings, when you are ill and unable to manage a calling, take a look at what you and the Lord have done and you will see how well you work together. It is my prayer that it will give you hope when you need it and courage when you lack and faith to start anew.