Confession: A Mormon Holiday
Before I went to BYU, I really thought that three hours each week was just a long time to go to church. So when conference time rolled around, I considered it a Mormon holiday and sat in my PJ’s twice a year for the whole Sunday. Because even if it was a holiday it was still a holy-day and a day of rest. So I did just that, I rested. My name is Bianca, and I use to think that General Conference was the first unofficial Mormon holiday, (Even before Pioneer Day). But then I took a required class at BYU, called “Teachings of the Living Prophets”, and the professor suggested (it was a good portion of our grade) that we really listen to conference and see what insights we could gain from it. So I marched myself down to the foyer of Felt hall and sat next to the girls with their cross stitch, notebooks and pens and spent half the time watching the conference girls taking notes (so I would know what was important) and half the time watching the speakers. But by the end of the first session (Saturday AM) I was hooked line and sinker. By the next session I had my crochet, my fuzzy pen and a pretty notebook and I was all ready to be inspired. By the end of the last session when the Prophet gave his closing address….I wanted to cry…it just didn’t last long enough. I hung on every word, wishing for more. Today, I celebrate Conference for a whole other reason. I celebrate, that I don’t have to travel for days to hear the inspired words of the Prophet of our day, I celebrate what I am doing right and I celebrate learning what I can do better, I celebrate that there is a watchman in the tower, looking out for us, praying for us and gaining insight for our time.