Simple Scripture Marking Bookmark

Scripture marking has always eluded me. Do I make a bracket here or just underline? I would pick a color by my mood and there was no rhyme or reason to it. And while my scriptures were well marked up with pretty pictures and funny little clues, I hardly knew what they meant or how to find what I was looking for. After reading an article from the New Era, 1975 titled “It was  in Amos last time I looked”, I got a better grasp on the whole concept but I needed something for children and new members so I came up with this bookmark, based on the article. It simplified things for my children, my gospel principles class and of course it was perfect for me. Here it is.

Find the PDF Here Scripture Bookmark
And for FHE Weekly on the Scriptures, including treat recipes from the scriptures and three games you can play to help you study, Click Here!

4 thoughts on “Simple Scripture Marking Bookmark”

  • Hi Cathy!
    Thank you so much for the comment. I’m glad you like the bookmark. We really enjoy using it too. I loved looking at your blog. So many fun projects! Have a great day.


  • Wow. This is the best scripture marking system I’ve ever seen. My eight year old asked me to help him come up with a system for his brand new scriptures and this is just the ticket. I think I’ll start using it too! Thanks!

  • Stephanie,
    Thank you so much for your comment. I’m a big fan too. I really looked for scripture marking ideas and one day I just put them all together in a simple easy to understand bookmark. I’m a little frustrated with the size and plan on resizing it a little soon.

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