February VT Handout: Woven Basket

Hand Woven Basket

Use your scrap yarn to weave this basket for your sisters, just like our ancient sisters only….easier.  Here is the pattern I used for my small basket. (Woven Basket Pattern)
1. Print out Template
2. Cut out and trace onto card stock that matches the yarn you will be using
3. Cut out the traced copy
4. Begin weaving your yarn around the entire basket
5. When you get to the top, cut the yarn and glue to card stock
6. Fold edges down, alternating directions around.
or You can use the  instructions for a paper plate version,  Elementary Basket Weaving.

This month’s lesson is titled “A Restoration of all things.” So for my sisters I created a restoration of faith basket. With a handout (blue blanket) that says:

A Restoration of All Things
Faith Basket

 Heavenly Father restored the gospel and sometimes we have to restore our Faith. Our Ancient Sisters did some of the same things we do to restore our faith….

They Served…with a hand woven basket
full of something to warm the hearts
of their sisters.

They counted their blessings with stones. When you feel down put this gratitude rock in your apron or pocket and every time
you feel it, think of something you
are grateful for.

They knew the medicinal purposes of the
cocoa bean….enjoy these chocolate covered raisins when you need a little pick me up..

They took time for themselves…when you break a nail this month, take a moment to enjoy a good manicure.

They wove their testimonies into beautiful blankets. Write your testimony on the blanket and review it when you are low on faith.

For a printout of the text and Blankets Click Here.

This month I thought of all the sisters in the Americas who saw Christ bless their children. What faith they must have had, what sisterhood they must have shared, and they too had a relief society (even if it wasn’t called that), what that must have been like…. These are the thoughts that inspired this month’s handout.

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